Wednesday, April 12, 2006

About Us! is owned and operated by Theolegions, a Nevada Corporate Sole dedicated to assisting worthy charities worldwide in meeting their financial goals. We follow the philosophy of “live to give” and “give to get” and amazingly we continue to grow in leaps and bounds. We are constantly on the lookout for worthy charities and/or individuals and we do take recommendations and introductions. If you know of any worthy charities or individuals please write to us at

Theolegions also offers free counseling services to those in need who suffer from a plethora of mental maladies. The cost of counseling services prevents many from seeking the care and treatment they so desperately need. We do take recommendations and introductions for our free counseling services too so please write to us at

As you can see, our mission is founded in love and a desire to assist wherever we can. We offer our time, talent and treasury in hopes of something ever more about to be…a better world for our children and loved ones. To those who much has been given, much is expected and we honor our commitments to our customers, friends and partners as we strive to be a part of creating a better world. Thank you for being a part of our vision, mission and goal!

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